Webpage typos, bugs

openDAQ webpage feedback, typos and bugs

  1. The ā€œpuzzleā€ graphic on the frontpage appears to be glitched. If you hover over certain parts of it or from certain angles - it doesnā€™t highlight/appear to be clickableā€¦ and the behavior varies depending on the puzzle piece you hover over. Also the puzzle knobs should be highlighted with the piece itself i think. Iā€™d look much nicer. (Tested on the latest version of Chrome.)

    (This one really bothers me more than it should. Itā€™s the first thing visitors see on the page, and itā€™s bugged. Try hovering over the graphics from divergent anglesā€¦ I think itā€™s a bad first impression.)

  2. In the FAQ: FAQ - openDAQā„¢

  3. Certification - openDAQā„¢ space is in the wrong place

  1. On the main page - the font color of the top bar (Users, Solutions, etc.) does not invert when the dark theme is applied. (this one might have been fixed as Iā€™m unable to reproduce at the moment)
  2. Certification - openDAQā„¢
  3. Are the quotes needed? (Electronic vendor - openDAQā„¢)
  4. on FAQ - openDAQā„¢
  5. In the post itself there is a date, but In the News the date is invalid https://opendaq.com/blog
  6. on https://opendaq.com/ there is a phantom quote mark (") at the very bottom of the page.

  1. The footer says openDAQā„¢ is a registered trademark of Blueberry d.o.o. Ā© 2024. All rights reserved. this is now obsolete, as the company has been renamed
  2. Electronic vendor - openDAQā„¢ OpenDAQ instead of openDAQ used

Thank you for your feedback, Aljaž! Iā€™m happy to report that we fixed everything except for number 1. Weā€™ll fix that as well soon:)

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Sounds great! Since my original post, it was reported on Discord that there are some occurrences of the old company name (ā€œBlueberryā€) on this page as well: Privacy Policy - openDAQā„¢

Might be worth fixing.

Yes, definitely. Thanks for the heads-up, weā€™ll take care of it.

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